Staff Workers

Employees of The Jordan Real Estate Group
are our most valuable asset!

Employment Opportunities
Title Searchers

Quality Title & Abstract Agency, a multi-state title insurance agency, is searching for experienced title searchers in Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Virginia and Washington D.C. Individuals must have experience and the ability to furnish references.

Searchers must be able to access our on-line tracking system to receive orders and return search results within 48 hours.

If you are interested in becoming a member of our abstractor team, please submit the following documents via e-mail to or fax to 1-800-599-7220.

  • Resume, including all contact phone #'s
  • Completed Title Searcher Information Form
  • Completed W-9 reflecting company name (if applicable), address & Tax ID #
  • Sample current owner search including run sheet
  • Copy of E & O policy

Once your information is reviewed you will be contacted by our vendor management department to schedule an interview. We look forward to hearing from you.

For more information on The Jordan Real Estate Group please review our Company Profile.